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  • Writer's picturevashtiart

Playing with Watercolor

Today we'll play with watercolor. I will show you several basic techniques to experiment with - you may want to do just one today. You may want to try two, or maybe try them all. Do what works for you. Put some music on, choose some colors that feel appealing to you, and enjoy the process!

You will need:

* something to paint with - I'm using liquid watercolor. Use what you have, what you like. Watercolor tray, liquid (water down a bunch) acrylics.

* something to paint on - I'm using small pieces of watercolor paper (4x6ish). Use what you have, a white thick paper is best

* rag

* spray bottle (or wet sponge)

* clean water cup

* paint brushes


* washers, or any kind of circle that can sit flat on your paper to block paint (jar lid, paper clip, spool ... see what you have around, and experiment!)

* painters tape, or anything that can mask edges of your paper (optional)

* straw

* cellophane or other plastic wrap

* wine cork

* alcohol based hand sanitizer or rubbing alcohol

* sharpie, gel pens, any kind of mark maker if you want to add to your paintings when they dry

Prepare your space:

* cover your work area

* have several pieces of paper ready to work with

* be sure your materials are within reach

* keep drinking water nearby

* music? light? whatever makes it your ideal creative workspace, do that!

The work:

  1. masking with objects

    1. wet paper with spray bottle or wet sponge

    2. lay masking objects on paper (I used washers)

    3. drop paint around your objects - let colors run into each other! clean brush before changing colors

    4. let dry completely, then remove masking objects

2. masking and blow paint

a. tape the edges of your paper with painters tape (or experiment using cardboard or heavy paper strips to create a mask)

b. wet the paper

c. drop paint, then use a straw to blow the drops

d. repeat, layering colors, until you feel the piece is complete. Dab dry between layers if you like.

e. let dry, then carefully remove the tape

3. creating texture with plastic wrap

a. wet paper

b. drop and spread paint over the whole page, let colors overlap and keep it wet

c. lay plastic wrap over the whole page, scrunch for the effect you like

d. let dry, pull up plastic wrap

4. create effects with alcohol

a. wet paper lightly

b. fill page with paint

c. drop or flick sanitizer or rubbing alcohol on the paints

d. let dry

5. create layers with stamping

a. wet paper lightly

b. use a cork to dip in paint, then print

c. clean cork between colors

d. layer stamps until you feel finished, let dry.


* combine techniques

* draw or write on dry pieces

* use these as greeting cards, book covers, stand alone art pieces, journaling cards

Enjoy the process, notice the ways the paint moves and interacts with other other colors and media. Let go any ideas about how things *should* look, and let yourself experience whatever happens as you work.

Have Fun! Be kind to yourself and each other.

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